
Showing posts from September, 2016

Story Map v/s Journey Map

Most professional level projects incorporate one of these in their design process and designers use these terms interchangeably quite often. But well, they aren't the same. Both of these are solid design concepts that contribute hugely towards breaking down the complete design problem and making it more understandable for the designers/stakeholders. So here's what I personally believe is the difference between these: Journey Map The Journey map not only describes the journey of the user/product but also highlights user thoughts, experience, comments and goals. It incorporates the user's traits, pain points, possible actions and emotional/physical experience. The journey map could be of a user or a product - the former would primarily focus on the user's journey while using the product and the latter would highlight checkpoints in the product journey cycle like the design methods adopted, design reiterations / refinements, what worked, what didn't etc.  The j...